Alarm Definitions

Alarm definitions lets you configure details about alarms triggered by telemetry data.

The smart table displays the following:

  • Alarm definition: The name or ID of the alarm definition, usually descriptive of what the alarm is for, like high temp, standby mode, or dirty
  • Controller type: The kind of controller or device that triggers the alarm definition
  • Alarm type: The kind of alarm the alarm definition applies to, such as critical alarm, case warning, refrigerant leak warning, and so on
  • Alarm category: The category of alarm the alarm definition applies to

Select an alarm definition to view or edit its details. You can also click New to create a new alarm definition.

Group define alarms

The group define option lets you apply alarm definition details to multiple alarms at once.

  1. Select the alarms you want to apply alarm definitions to.

  2. Click Group define.

  3. Set definitions for selected alarms in the dialog that opens. Options include:

    • Alarm type

    • Alarm category

    • Alarm feedback notification: Determines whether a notification is sent when the alarm triggers

    • Append controller name: Determines if the controller name is added to the alarm notification, if turned on

  4. Click OK.